
Legacy Giving


Why Consider a Legacy Gift for MiaThrives?

By leaving a legacy gift, you will help MiaThrives secure long-term funding for the continued success and growth of the charity and allow us to help even more people living with EB and their families through providing enhanced programs, services, and events to the EB community. You legacy gift will allow future generations of people living with EB to thrive and achieve their full potential.

There are several ways to leave a legacy gift to MiaThrives. They include making MiaThrives a beneficiary of a registered plan (TFSA, RRIF, or RRSP), allocating the proceeds of a life insurance policy, or leaving a gift in your will.

Please get in touch with us if you have already left a legacy gift to MiaThrives. We will be pleased to discuss how your legacy can improve the lives of those living with EB.

Legacy Gift

MiaThrives is committed to ensuring that children with EB feel connection and belonging and can live to their full potential. You can play an important role for the charity into future, and establish a lasting personal legacy, by making a future gift to MiaThrives.

Please fill in our Legacy Commitment Form below if you consider a Legacy gift for MiaThrives.

Thank you!

Legacy Commitment Form

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